approximately a year ago, i embarked on my own likkle installation in my back garden, it was a project to set up my own English Garden, based on what I found ,what is left in the garden of England ,what's wasted ,what I found and what grew from it. a story of a process, from one found object to the weeds and insects that come to pass, an apple~plugged in, get it?
This was to be documented with photographs, the photographs creating further art, becoming the art, what photos would I get, what would prove interesting. It was done with a sense of satire on Art ,But also with a real seriousness. Conceptual art born from bits and pieces in the garden.
The first 4 pictures here were some results of this document of leftovers and scum.
I am currently an Artist without the luxury of studios and means beyond my means , so I make do, my previous experiment proved interesting ,garnering visceral results so I've embarked on it again, my back garden once more being my installation of dumping ground history, i hope to evolve it a little more and see what the summer and autumn brings.
Some people think me mad, maybe? what do we do, we do, simply!
July the 5th and its growing,but where?
July 6th,a representation of home,@home but not '' in'' home. Bamboo and Pandas,little ponds,walls in front, and the shadows that are cast,''Time''2 finish or a collection to grow,breathe.
July the 9th,the suns out,the sun shines on the dark,the shadows tower and breathe,having a home still a luxury,however the suns nice to sleep out in,drink plenty of water.
Outta weedz come Beautiful thingz. 01/08/2013.
connected,what's the connection?. What do you have ,do you know what you have?
From here to there,what you find,finders keepers.We are commodities,your commodities end up on the scrap heap,some of us end up on a scrap heap.where have you been what did you see,what did you save.Do you eat well,do you manage where others excel, a one pound ready meal made from horses or a six pound steak and an extra tenner for a half decent meal.Do you enjoy yourself with impunity or do you risk it all for a wee bit of fun, the differences are obvious, yet you don't see them.
Some~ones made their home,catch and caught.