Thursday, 26 September 2013

Art is money,however, the money is distributed amongst those who deem it worthwhile?. Art is soul~food,a force from within that has no barrier to creed, wealth, nor is it socially exclusive .Joseph Beuy's said "everyone is an artist" are they ?and  Martin Kippenberger saying"every Artist is a human being",Art is a belief and a way that only the artists them selves know its personal internal origins, yet its a language that is spoken to the world. An artist is an artist that accepts it wholeheartedly and from a place within. Art is a power, a power that speaks and lasts through the ages its form from paintings in caves to wheels in galleries is well documented, yet its a form that can be deemed only for the few,only for those that understand, that are in the right place or born with the right  spoon and heredity in their mouths and being. Yet all can create and there are those whom create from a place deep where many souls dare go,but its not seen,its not for the assembled elite,its not of pretention and not in a place where the deal makers nor the money makers want to go.Its a thing for those who have the time,the facilities and faculties to show,however that is here to show,as fallacy.
Art is power,its an empowering fact of expression and talent, a flick of a brush and dart of a line.Some are born into,many are born with it,yet few can go through with it,its a form to follow through good and is not a form that is only for those with the ways and means, but those who believe,believe in art ,those who see it from the pit of their soulz,its ours ,its our power.
The connection from where a soul not deemed with the spoon,but deemed with the talent, with the goal and the dream is the connection, a connection from here to paper, to pen, to canvas and  from photo to blog, Art iz for all,art is power,"Art & Power".

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